"Last year's pants," he humbly bragged while entering the shop.
This is a story about sustainability, but not.
"These are from last year. I still love 'em, and want some new shirts to wear with 'em," he added.
He went on to say, "When I realized that all my favorite fall shirts were from Brother Friend, I thought why not get some new favorite summer shirts?"
We don't make shirts or pants, but we do help people find their favorite ones.
It's something about the way we put things together—not just the clothes but how they're going to work for the person who's returning to the office, going on a first date, or just wants to freshen it up.
How do we know?
We ask.
There is no "the [insert store name here] way" except that we meet people where they are and help them get to wherever they're going.
Most of the guys we meet don't like to shop, so we don't ask them to. We invite them in for a coffee, chop it up a bit about whatever interests them (often coffee), and see if there's anything in our shop that might resonate with them.
Because most guys hate shopping, what we present needs to last.
That's why we curate things that last, things that work well with other things, and connections.
It's not sustainability per se, but we hope it's sustainable. The connections, too.