June came into the shop looking for a gift. I no longer asked about occasions—people don’t need a reason to give. She said, “I love what I see here, but I’m not sure it’s his style.”
“Can I see a picture?” I asked.
We started scrolling through her Instagram.
Her friend is handsome, medium build, and middle-aged. “Does he like the outdoors?” I asked.
“He’s a surgeon,” she said. “But he loves his walks in the woods and his hunting camps.”
I pulled out the station jacket. “It’s not made for bird hunting, but it feels like it. Picture the two of you out together—this jacket, those trousers (referring back to her photo album). It’s the sort of outdoor energy y’all can take into any of those new Michelin-starred joints in town.” And he's already into it.
I think she saw it, too. Bon appetite, June.